Friday, November 28, 2008

bittney spears

I heard this new song on the radio last night by BS. It was not impressive. My 4 year old comes up with more original lyrics when she is dancing around making up songs about the dog.

I went to the big sales today. Menards was an absolute MADHOUSE. I waited in line to check out longer than I spent shopping. but I got some good stuff. I decided I am too nice to go to this thing any more. I am not a knockerdowner gimme what I want DAMMIT! kind of girl. I say please and thank you without even thinking about it. I help people who appear to need it. I am just not bitchy enough. so there you have it. I am just too kind to shop on Black Friday.

1 comment:

~CarolynA said...

Yuk, you'd never find me out there even if I did have dollars to spend!

Glad you survived it.