Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Dear Michele Bachman

you think making us use energy efficient light bulbs is an invasion of privacy but telling us who and how many we can marry isnt? What planet are you from? Using energy efficient lighting is for the greater good of all. it is working towards a future where we are environmentally conscious and want a land of plenty to be here when our children are grown. How the hell is making us use energy efficient lighting taking away my rights as a citizen? Why do you choose something so trivial to make a stand about? whats all the talk about big brother when we are talking fucking LIGHTBULBS!? where was your big brother talk when we were talking listening to phone conversations, following bank accounts, even keeping track of what books you rent at the library? where was your misguided sense of justice then?

Just put on your pretty hat and keep your mouth shut. You aren't helping anyone.

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