Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I have been sick and in the hospital. and today I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.


~CarolynA said...

I'm sorry you were so sick and tired. I hope things are better cuz we haven't heard from you in days here in the blog world!

Did you here about the Jane Austen book club being started here by a certain someone?

MoonDog said...

no! I didnt hear of it!!! sounds like a great time. yeah I'm a nerd. I am better, I just havent had any big opinions lately.

~CarolynA said...

Duh...details! JA club at RP's blog.

~CarolynA said...

OMG! I spelled hear.. here. Did you catch that? I was testing you...not really J/K

I'm a little nuts today must be the sun.