Friday, June 27, 2008


while I was at your house the storm sirens were going off in town. scary.


~CarolynA said...

Ya, out in these here hills, we don't need no sirens we got the birds to tell us when it's time to hunker down!

Course we got some powful old juju too! POW!! We know how to keep them there winds away.

~CarolynA said...

OMG Moondog!

Bela's was soooo good. And you are great company. I bet Saf could have sat there listening and singing with Sue the whole night long. Wasn't that funny how Becky called Jor by name and he leans in to me and asks if she said his name?!

I wish my Brulee, that's with an accent btw...would have come out flaming like you said it's supposed to.

Cuz, that is my favorite part the thick burnt sugar. Although it never came out flaming before.