Wednesday, October 1, 2008

theburbfam.jpg (image)

theburbfam.jpg (image) this reminds me of a happier time. or at least a time when all appeared to be happy. I am sure behind those doors they were not as perfect and happy as outwardly seen but it was a simpler time and in some ways I long for that


~CarolynA said...

I don't get it! This is you isn't it?
Looks like it could be your family.

I think I know what you mean though.

MoonDog said...

look at the clothing. look at the little bungalow. Looks pretty 40s-50s to me! It isnt us. its from another era. as much as I wouldnt understand certain things if I went back in time,imagine what a person from that era flash forward to now would feel like. you mean you just type the words and push a button and they go to someone? WOW! you mean you dont have to cook your food all afternoon in the oven? you just zap it for a few minutes? WOW! roles were much more clearly defined. not necessarily for the better but clearly defined nonetheless. I am just a person who likes to think about life in other times. ps how do I post a pic in here so it can be seen?

Ben said...

This is such an amazing picture, it does very much so take you back to a happy place. I wasn't even born to have witnessed the time that this photo speaks of, I've just heard the echo from grandparents and photo books, speaking of a time where we didn't have to lock our doors, and you could go meet the new neighbors without worry.

This picture was actually given to me to write about in English class not to long ago.