Tuesday, January 20, 2009

presidential inauguration

I was brought to tears many times before the new president even spoke. I cried multiple times throughout the event. It was so exciting and so wonderful, not to mention a step in the right direction for the kind of future I want my kids to see. This morning we watched Rosa Parks, it was on tv. and from a black woman arrested for sitting on the bus, to a black man holding our highest office is just.....wow. I have no words to describe. incredible.

so now, we have a new president. I hope for many great changes in our country's future. I dont know what the future will hold but I have high hopes. This president not only is inspired he also inspires others to be involved and get out and do what they can for their country. Yesterday listening to NPR I heard a lot of that. People want to do more, they want others to do more.

I have never in my 37 years seen a presidential inauguration. not on tv. not in person. not in class. not even a little bit. it was an incredibly emotional experience. I cant imagine what it must have felt like for the people in the 15 blocks surrounding the event itself. There were people on rooftops as well. the feeling of being surrounded by so many others who believe in what you believe in and support and love YOUR country must be overwhelming. If ever there is an event I wish I could have attended in person, this would be it.

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