Monday, December 15, 2008


today we saw a sundog. this is the third sundog I have seen. mega cool. Moondogs are way cool too but the sundogs seem to say "the sky is falling" because I am sure there is some scripture somewhere that says something about three suns meaning the end of the world or some such nonsense. anyways its just plain neat to see a sundog, or a moondog. I never saw a single one before I moved here. I guess MN is the home of the dogs, moon, sun or otherwise.


~CarolynA said...

Wow Moondog! I never thought of sundogs as a bad omen only a good one.

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MoonDog said...

its just not something you see every day. it just SOUNDS like something that would be somewhere that says on the day of the three suns or something. But if you think its a good omen I will take it! maybe it will make my ear stop hurting and my nose stop running.