Monday, September 22, 2008

interesting book

I saw it on trading spouses. it was called fascinating womanhood(or something like that)

its about how the man is the the MAN of the house and you the wife have to be submissive to him. sort of the 50s throwback.


~CarolynA said...

What strikes you as interesting?!!

MoonDog said...

that women will actually BOW to their husbands will and have none of their own. of course the woman I saw takes it to extreme. HE wears the pants in the family she submits to anything he says. she even cuts his nails and toenails for him! I mean come ON there is a difference between putting a nice meal on the table for your hard working husband and doing everything EVERYTHING so he can do NOTHING. he basically just sits on the couch and watches tv. she works from early morning till late at night, keeping house, cooking, cleaning, taking care of him and his whims. cutting his nails, taking his shoes. thats just absurd! that is NOT division of labor. its slave labor!

~CarolynA said...

Eewwww....that does sound horrific.
I read the review of the book on amazon and funny how some people took it.

I had a friend that divorced her husband after their baby was a month old because while she was nursing the baby he would ask her to get him another beer. Among other things!

MoonDog said...

at least I know E will never ask me to "do his nails" because he is totally grossed out by nails. why? I have no idea but hey wahtever works! like i dont have enough nails to be clippin around here I need to be clippin his too? I DONT THINK SO! Homey dont play that!