Thursday, July 3, 2008

email petitions that go nowhere

I got this email about how you should sign this petition and when it has 5000 signatures send it to xxx. and it went on to say if you dont sign it you are a terrible person and cruel and unfeeling and so on. now nowhere did it say what this petition is petitioning. so why should I feel guilty for not signing and passing on to everyone I know? Its crap.

In the paper today, it says a woman was arrested for prostitution for having sex in exchange for gas. I say thats not prostitution its BARTERING! she used what she had to get what she wanted. why is that so wrong? if we have a piece of gold we can go ahead and exchange that for something else we want. but if we give of ourselves THEN the shit hits the fan. something is seriously wrong in this country.


~CarolynA said...

Moondog, you are so full of controversy. Polygamy,same sex marriage, teen pregnancy, and now prostitution. Wow!

The poor woman... needing to give her body for some freakin' gas. I would hope that most bartering isn't in desperation.

I'm sure she is not the Happy Hooker,that loves sex and figures she can offer a service and can get what she's worth.

Why does she get arrested? What about the jerk that she pleasured?

Women have been chattel for men like that for too long.

I wish she had done what she did because she wasn't desperate and for a heck of a lot more than gas!

I wish the ass that got her goods valued her services as being worth more than a tank of gas!

Again it comes down to peace. Does it disturb your peace for longer than a moment or a few minutes? Does it rattle your brain and your morals that such an event took place?

Why is anyones nose in their business? I don't get it.

Word V: nofzi
mean anything?

MoonDog said...

I am TOTALLY full of controversy. I cant help myself! i think we should all live in a live and let live world unless someone else's life disrupts yours. it may not have been a great idea to trade sex for gas but if she was ok with it, it doesnt disrupt anything in my world. if people who are gay want to get married, it doesnt disrupt my world. and besides how can happy loving families, gay or not, be bad?