Saturday, April 25, 2009
names I like for a little girl
anastasia kendall?
anastasia makenna?
anastasia ruby?
anastasia samantha?
anastasia lee? ( like I and my annabelle lee)
anastasia lily?
Anastasia Claire!
anything else?
Friday, April 24, 2009
A little girl

she is three years old. she has no mama or daddy to take care of her. isn't she beautiful? doesnt she deserve to have a mama to cuddle her and daddy to play silly games with her? She is just one of the many many children with no one to love them. no one to hold them close and teach them about life. This beautiful little one will go to an institution where she will live out her remaining days if no one adopts her. Please wont you go to reecesrainbow and pledge to her adoption fund? Your donation could be the one that makes this little girls adoption a possibility for a family. She is so precious and weighs heavily on my heart. wont you help someone to adopt her? We think only of some far away place and faceless nameless children when we think of children without families. Now you have a real face of a real child and I hope she sticks in your mind the way she has stuck in mine and you will do what you can to help her and others like her.
kmart lady on a power trip
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
What was I thinking?
Thinking I could stay here? I just dont know if I can. I have been asking to move for YEARS. Like since we moved in. I know it might not seem like it to others but I feel like I have a target on my back all the time. Like my kids have targets on their backs.I so want another child. I really do. but at what cost? My kids get kicked out of things for stupid reasons. We will never be a part of this town. that much is clear. If we are to stay here I have to come to terms with that. I will be me, same as before, and they will be the way they are and I have to not care. I have to teach my kids not to care. I guess its a good lesson for them. be what you are and not care what anyone else thinks. It is so frustrating to feel so left out all the time. I have some friends here. but 99% of the town either ignores us or openly hates us. What have we done? Eric feels like it will be this way anywhere because we are college educated and he is the doctor and people resent that. But at least in a bigger city we could find other educated people and not EVERYONE would know at first glance who we are. I love my husband and want to be where he is. but oh how can I stay here? I love our property, I love our trees and yard and clothes line. Now if the rest of the town would just go away.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Now think if you could do something for that child. is reaching out and trying to help children with special needs find an adoptive home. Adoption is an expensive venture and many of these children would not be adopted without a financial grant. remember that warm bed? coffee from the coffee shop? Couldnt you go to and donate a couple of dollars to a child's grant? There are many children with no grants, because no one has donated to their future adoption. Every child deserves a future dont they? Every child deserves a family dont they? Please help these kids with a donation. Even if you can only donate a couple dollars it helps. Wont you please help?
Feel free to copy and paste this and pass it on to any and all of your friends. Lets change the world together. Wouldnt it be a wonderful world if all children had homes? Orphanages are no place to grow up!
Ever heard of Reeces Rainbow?
If people would just go there and donate just a couple of dollars to a childs adoption fund and help him or her find a family. Skip that cup of coffee at the coffee shop and donate to help a child find a family.
HE mentioned adoption
Sunday, April 19, 2009
date night
Eric and I went out to dinner tonight just the two of us. I had on jeans and a blouse I havent been able to wear in awhile. I had a house salad with chicken. wow! was that good We enjoyed each other kid free for a while. and when we got home Ethan greeted us with smiles reserved for special times like "get out of bed free cards" he was so cute though. And he said "You look beautiful Mama!" very sweet boy. very sweet moment. Makes the messes he got into today fade away. Now we are going to watch Masterpiece Theater together. We have been watching Little Dorritt for weeks. Its like a ten part movie! I love it.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Eric has a jumble of thought too
today is cloudy and overcast and cold. Maybe I will get some sewing done. I have several pillow case dresses waiting to be made. I have chubber covers to be made. I have a package for megh and sheamas to gather and send. I have blankets to finish. I could make more silkies. I have lots of things I could and should do. There is always laundry needing to be done. I guess I better go get started. Eric is on call today so I am home all day
Friday, April 17, 2009
a jumbled mess of thoughts.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
can someone tell me
Monday, April 13, 2009
Intorducing......the AMAZING ETHAN!
Friday, April 10, 2009
well it happened
looming diappointment
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
but we could have a new baby yet this year.