Wednesday, September 24, 2008
my friend posted about religion. this always gets me going. I have absolutely NO PROBLEM with anyone else's choice to be religious. It just never stops there. they feel they have the right to tell me what I should believe. and also tell me how to live my life so I follow THEIR rules of faith. I should not have an abortion because they dont believe its right. I shouldnt do this or that because it isnt right in their eyes. I think a lot of people make choices that turn out badly and could have taken a different road and had another outcome, but I dont think that is the same as my saying I dont believe in X therefore neither can you. No one is perfect. we all make bad choices from timem to time. Freedom of religion also means freedom FROM religion. Today I had an experience with religion, we were talking about PS and how things have gone downhill there. and one person said something about how they couldnt send their kids to PS because there are so many divorces going on and its just too bad in the public schools, (as if divorce in and of itself makes you bad, and beyond that a bad parent!) another concurred that Satan is really having a hey day. I was really hurt! I am divorced. I am married to a divorcee as well. The fact that our first marriages to other people didnt work out does not mean we did not try, does not mean we are bad people, does not mean we are bad parents. On the contrary I think we are BETTER people and BETTER parents because of it. It was just one of those bad choices I mentioned. This is where I start to think organised religion is about making yourself feel better at someone else's expense. anyone who doesnt believe what you believe is "less" in their eyes. Not to mention people of God seem to "know it all." hell we couldnt have evolved! I dont care how much proof you have! And God wouldnt create a world that man could destroy! therefore global warming must be a myth. man I could go on all day about this topic. I totally respect people's right to religion, but why cant they respect my right to NOT have religion.
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1 comment:
Oh Moondog, the travesty of religion!
I just don't understand people that give satan so much power. I mean they hand it over to him, feed it to him, perpetuate the evil with their nonsense talk... set the energy in his hands and then turn around and tell us how almighty their god is by not creating a world that man could destroy. It's oxymoronic.
Not only that according to Christ the world is NOTHING! It is OK for the world to be destroyed our treasures are in heaven.
And that little nugget is exactly why fanatic Christians do not care if the world falls apart because then all their prophecies come true and they are closer to heaven. It does not matter if the world is destroyed.
What a way to show your maker how appreciative you are for the beautiful world he created for us and a world which he made us stewards of. I knew a "Christian" that littered because it's "just the earth".
I am quite sure the free will god gave us would allow us to destroy the world. Duh!
We are dangerously close to having a theocracy, as if we don't already, and I am fed up with people claiming to be Christians creating rules and dictates that are so far far away from the message of Christ. Right! Satan IS having a heyday. He's dressed as the sheep and so called Christians are his favorite playthings after all they do such a great job at dividing people just the way he likes it. Divorce, abortion, are you born again or not, are you a city or country, rich or poor, etc.
But most importantly they want to take away the one thing that is required, essential for each person to develop that personal relationship with the creator FREE WILL.
You can't cram Christ down people throats. That does not allow for a personal relationship.
In order to understand the horror of what so called Christians are creating you need to know where they get the ideas they so effectively distort. I think everyone should study the Bible and be armed! Not to believe in it if you choose not to but to understand the source that so called Christians use to back their methods.
And it gets you going!
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