Thursday, August 7, 2008

this is what bugs me about the Christian right

There is a christian group that apparently has some objections to sex on tv programs because the characters arent married. if they do not want this to influence their kids then by all means TURN OFF THE TV. its a parent's right to do just that. It is not a parent's right to make sure that they protect every person in the country from things that go against THEIR values. I personally do not allow my kids to watch ANY shows with sex acts, implied or otherwise, married or single characters. problem solved. But do I ram MY values down YOUR throats? We dont watch violence either. but do I insist you raise your child that way? You just take care of your kid, and let me take care of mine. I dont need you to "guide" me. I am doing just find all on my own thankyouverymuch. I dont need to be saved from myself. I dont need to be saved from hell. What I NEED is for people to realize their faith is just that, THEIR faith, not necessarily mine. Do I try to make you conform to my atheism? nope. Atheists just go about their business and fight against being discriminated against. they do not ring doorbells and tell you about the joy of not knowing Jesus. They do not press you to unsave your soul. I just need people to realize that they need to do whats right for them and respect that it might not be right for others.


~CarolynA said...

Moondog I know you already know this but those "Christians" you mention are just searching for ways to validate themselves and make sure that they keep on being validated by increasing their membership!

Those "Christians" are the same people that go to church on Sunday to be reminded of how to be, then live the rest of the week making sure that if they struggled and worked super hard, then by golly, everyone else should too. Because that's how you love your neighbor!

Ya, I am pretty fed up with the right being the "brothers keeper" especially when they are doing such a horrendous job to begin with.

I avoid those so called "Christians" Fortunately, I do not have any in my close circle of friends.

MoonDog said...

I just heard a radio show about them all worried about the tv sex. I was like COME ON! turn off the dang tv! A certain someone we know has tried to talk to me about her religion and I havent figured out a nice way to say go fly a kite. I know she believes so completely but that isnt for me. I wonder what she would say if she knew my kids went to atheist camp. probably wouldnt let the kids play anymore.