Thursday, April 17, 2008

Again with the polygamy thing

Polygamy is not the axis of evil, people! Come ON! I completely agree that 50 year old men should not have sex with 12 or 13 year old girls. I dont even think 12 or 13 year old boy should be having sex with them(or anyone for that matter). That said, polygamy itself IS NOT BAD. it is not about all things evil. It is about love. more love. If my kid has two moms or 5 moms who care about them why is that a bad thing? Why shouldn't a kid have several caring people in their lives? and why shouldnt adults be able to have several caring loving people in their lives? You can have all the sex you want until you get married. then you only can have it with one person? that makes a lot of sense. you love your mom AND your dad and your brothers and sisters, why cant you love two spouses? There is plenty of love to go around. I just hate when people go off on Polygamy as the center of all things evil. "Well, its all from that lifestyle they live, thats why they have all these problems." Polygamy is defined as marriage in which a spouse of either sex may have more than one mate at the same time. Polygamy does not say have sex with children. It does not say abuse children. Those are all connotations that others have put on it. Polygamy is about love. why is it so wrong to love?

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