Tuesday, March 25, 2008

polygamy is still illegal?

WHY??? I do understand that someone would feel hurt and betrayed if they found out what they thought was THEIR spouse was also someone else's spouse. What if wife number one knows all about wife number 2 and 3 and 4 and really doesn't mind a bit. How is this hurting someone ELSE? how is this hurting society? I am not talking about religious sects. I am talking regular people who have more than one spouse. why is that so wrong? I would not object to my husband taking a second wife. I would not object to my husband bringing a wife into our home to be a family. Why does love have to have limits? When it comes to children they say "Oh it takes a village" and all that crap. but we arent allowed to build our own village to raise our children, oh no. we must let society raise them. If we go and have polygamous men and women raising children positively without turning them over to the rest of the world, then they will learn to think for themselves and everyone knows we can't have that!! We can't have people thinking for themselves or they will start to make decisions. they will have opinions. they will want change. Other than the religious right that says marriage is supposed to be ONLY one man and one woman, can anyone tell me one good reason why polygamy is illegal? if its only based on the religious definition of marriage what ever happened to seperation of church and state? (I could ask the same question about gay marriage) I find more and more that the bible is not about love. its about hate and seperation.

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